Play N Learn은
총 4개의 레벨로 구성되어 있습니다.
각 레벨별 Sing, Cook, Create, Discover의 고른 주제를 바탕으로
총 40종의 교재와 함께 활동 중심의 즐거운 수업을 돕습니다.
Level A : 마더구스(전래동요)와 다양한 신체 활동을 통한 영어 학습
- 1A Sailor Went to Sea
- 2Hokey Pokey
- 3Finger Family
- 4Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
- 5I Love the Mountains
- 6London Bridge Is Falling Down
- 7Time to Go Trick-or-Treating
- 8The Wheels on the Bus
- 9Do You Know the Muffin Man?
- 10Five in the Bed
Level B ~ D : 주제가 있는 픽션/논픽션 수업 후, 요리/미술/과학으로 체험 확장
- 1Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
- 2The Happy Tree
- 3Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- 4The Enormous Turnip
- 5The Rainbow Story
- 6Puss in Boots
- 7Little Red Riding Hood
- 8A Blue Kangaroo
- 9The Rabbit and the Turtle
- 10The Happy Snowman
- 1The Princess and the Pea
- 2The Three Little Pigs
- 3The Fairies and the Shoemaker
- 4Frankie and His Friends
- 5T-Rex and Seven Little Dinos
- 6Summer Grapes
- 7Many Moons
- 8The Gingerbread Man
- 9The Nutcracker on Christmas
- 10The Old Lion and the Fox
- 1A Bird Monster
- 2The Frog Prince
- 3Maya the Bee
- 4The Magic Bag
- 5The Bremen Town Musicians
- 6The Three Apples
- 7The Wind and the Sun
- 8The Real Mother
- 9Hansel and Gretel
- 10Prince Phillip
체험 활동별 교재 구성
- A1 A Sailor Went to Sea
- A2 Hokey Pokey
- A3 Finger Family
- A4 Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush
- A5 I Love the Mountains
- A6 London Bridge Is Falling Down
- A7 Time to Go Trick-or-Treating
- A8 The Wheels on the Bus
- A9 Do You Know the Muffin Man?
- A10 Five in the Bed
- B2 The Happy Tree
- B5 The Rainbow Story
- B8 A Blue Kangaroo
- C2 The Three Little Pigs
- C5 T-Rex and Seven Little Dinos
- C8 The Gingerbread Man
- D2 The Frog Prince
- D5 The Bremen Town Musicians
- D8 The Real Mother
- B1 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
- B3 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- B6 Puss in Boots
- B9 The Rabbit and the Turtle
- C1 The Princess and the Pea
- C3 The Fairies and the Shoemaker
- C6 Summer Grapes
- C9 The Nutcracker on Christmas
- D1 A Bird Monster
- D3 Maya the Bee
- D6 The Three Apples
- D9 Hansel and Gretel
- B4 The Enormous Turnip
- B7 Little Red Riding Hood
- B10 The Happy Snowman
- C4 Frankie and His Friends
- C7 Many Moons
- C10 The Old Lion and the Fox
- D4 The Magic Bag
- D7 The Wind and the Sun
- D10 Prince Phillip